#28 Simon Starkey, DVM, MBA, PhD, BVSc, D.AVBP – In the clinic with a data driven veterinarian
In this episode, I'm joined by practicing veterinarian Dr. Simon Starkey.
- He answers what his favorite program is between his DVM, MBA, and Ph.D. and why.
- Why sick leave matters to the profitability and effectiveness of a practice, Dr. Starkey discusses his blog post.
- His journey through education and veterinary medicine
- An example of a colleague incentivizing his support staff by understanding the ebbs and flows of the practice and sharing the benefits appropriately.
- Looking at the data to dive into the optimal appointment time and the ATC for visits.
- His view on the secret to combat burnout while being an associate veterinarian.
- Why offering the relevant and needed vaccines is not up-selling, but THE standard of care.
- How segmentation of who you serve allows for you and your clinic to work with those that desire what you offer.
- Why every practice even those small ones should have a vision and mission statement to guide the “How” and “Why” of the care provided.
- Building care and rapport with clients over time and showing how much, you care allows for YOUR standard of care to be more accepted over time.
- The interaction of clients with wellness plans and discounted exams. Why and when they make sense.
- The power of all kinds of data within veterinary medicine and where the future will be going.
Dr. Starkey's Blog Post - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/paid-sick-leave-does-pay-simon-starkey/?trackingId=SpYv2cN0WaHPN9mbiJQzgA%3D%3D
Dr. Starkey's LinkedIn Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-starkey-bvsc-phd-mba-d-abvp-a9ab0725/