UA-170695639-1 #218 Keith True, DVM - Leadership is a Learned Skill - The Veterinarian Success Podcast

Episode 218

Published on:

1st Jan 2024

#218 Keith True, DVM - Leadership is a Learned Skill

In this episode, I'm rejoined by Dr. Keith True, a veterinarian, recent MBA holder, and entrepreneur, joins me. He recently finished his time with some partner hospitals, a Member of the Board of AccessVet, and the Founder of True Vet Potential and TrueVet. Dr. True joined me prior in episode #178.

  • Updates in his life and what he's found as his calling within veterinary medicine.
  • His thoughts on the leadership status within veterinary medicine - and what we should do about it.
  • The launch of TrueVet and the mission and goals behind it.
  • Who might be the ideal fit for a TrueVet hospital and Keith's call to action.
  • Experienced veterinarian's looking for an exit and what that could look like.
  • And so much MORE!

True Vet Potential Website

Dr. True's LinkedIn


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GuardianVets (be sure if you reach out to mention us for 50% off your first month)

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About the Podcast

The Veterinarian Success Podcast
Welcome to the Veterinarian Success Podcast where you go in-depth with a veterinarian specific financial planner Isaiah Douglass, MBA, CFP® to hear stories, opinions, and leading information about the world of veterinarian medicine from industry professionals. The podcast covers topics relating to the clinical, business, financial, and personal side of to help encourage, promote, and advocate for a healthy and happy standard of care for veterinarians, their families, their staff, and their businesses.

About your host

Profile picture for Isaiah Douglass, MBA, CFP®, CEPA

Isaiah Douglass, MBA, CFP®, CEPA

I am a former CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and a Fee-Only advisor.